Charlie Watts逝去 和訳【Miss You/ The Rolling Stones】解説 Hot Hot Love Song

2021.8.24. Died peacefully at London Hospital … It seems to be Charlie. A masculine drummer who was devoted to the shadows though, RS1 Dresser has a strong RS1 quarrel 🤜 Not known for his gentlemanly appearance and appearance Actually No.1 in the Rolling Stones is Wild man who Charlie Watts.
Charlie Watts R.I.P.

I was so shocked that Charlie dies.and I have zoned from this morning. maybe RS probably won’t end, because Mick should do it. But Keith seems to be depressed …so sorry. I feel like it will be coming a new RS … and ordinary RS …It’s strange to feel like this that
feeling of ending, like this. That’s how big Charlie was for RS, and for us.


たまたま電話が来てそれでスマホを見たらCharlieの画像が流れていて、誕生日だったっけ?何で呑気に見たら”Charlie Watts: Rolling Stones drummer dies at 80″ の文字。






今日は予定を変更してCharlie Watts 逝去のNewsを見たばかりで気が動転していますが、Charlieの為に【Miss You】の気持ちも込めて、この曲を解説&和訳して彼の安らかな眠りを祈りましょう。



“Charlie Watts逝去 和訳【Miss You/ The Rolling Stones】解説 Hot Hot Love Song” の続きを読む

Lyra Sky’s Monologue- Favorites vol.118

The number of people who want to hit Lyra Sky with one shot is 0. #Numberofpeoplewhowanttohityouoneshot

Thank you ~ I live with your love Thank you 😘

👠Red Hot Chili Peppers/ Nobody Weird Like Me 和訳 Freaky Intercourse 奇妙な僕の夢


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