Edie Sedgwick 【Ciao! Manhattan】 あらすじ 感想 Angel with a Broken Wingネタバレ

“Always said you were a Youthquaker, Edie
A stormy little world shaker
Warhol’s darling queen, Edie
An angel with a broken wing”

This is the song I’ve translation & written review for Ian Astbury’s Birthday yesterday,

The Cult’s beautiful tune 【Edie (Ciao Baby】.

“Edie Sedgwick 【Ciao! Manhattan】 あらすじ 感想 Angel with a Broken Wingネタバレ” の続きを読む

『Lyra Sky’s Monologue with Mads Mikkelsen】vol.4

How ya doin’?
bustle about everything from waking up.
It’s difficult to be pusht inorder. particularly photoes! I didn’t print them recently.What’bout you?
#madsmikkelsen #hughdancy #hannibal #MorningMotivation #Wednesday #naked


“『Lyra Sky’s Monologue with Mads Mikkelsen】vol.4” の続きを読む

【Rougue One- Galen Erso Funko!Pop!】 スターウォーズの日 ファンコのMads Mikkelsenを紹介! Galen’s Biography!




I’d like to introduce my pretty sweet baby boy!

‘Cause “May the Fourth” for “May the Fource Be with You”, yeah!

Today’s Jedi Master’s day!

( ◠‿◠ )



“【Rougue One- Galen Erso Funko!Pop!】 スターウォーズの日 ファンコのMads Mikkelsenを紹介! Galen’s Biography!” の続きを読む