This is my Dwight baby boy
If you feel loss of The Walking Dead, I’ll give you healing time today!
それにAndrew Lincolinが降板て言う、、、もう、もう!
今日Lyraが紹介するの、海外フィギュアで有名な McFARLANE TOYS マクファーレントイズの
【The Walking Dead Color Tops 7inch Figure #31 DWIGHT 】
(ザ・ウォーキングデッド カラートップス 7インチ フィギュア #31 ドワイト)です。
そうフィギュアは意外と似てないのがあって、前に話したダリル・ディクソンの【The Walking Dead 5inch Figure Action DX Box Daryl Dixon and Chopper Bike 】は、ダリルじゃなくて「誰ル・ディクソン」でしたからねえ。
【Funko Pop の Daryl Dixon & Chopper Bike】は、ディフォルメしてるから似てなくても許せるし可愛いから良いのよね。
だからDwightが似てるのは有り難や〜、なわけ、、、と言うかDarylが、つまりNorman Reedusが顔が薄いから特徴を捉えにくいのかもしれないね。
うちのDwight 坊やのフィギュアをお見せしましょう!
Dwightドワイトを演じているのは、この左の方、アメリカ人俳優のAustin Amelio オースティン・アメリオさんです。
Austin 本人については話が又長くなってしまうので後日、説明しますね。今日は、Dwightの日だから。
これはBox の裏です。箱までも見せたがるLyraは、マジキチか?
同じ McFARLANEなのにDaryl Dixonとは違いますね。
= Spec =
■The Walking Dead
■マクファーレントイズの新シリーズ (Color Tops)
* Real Size *
☆ Body 12.5 cm
☆ west 胴体は約 4.5cm
☆ Bow gun 10cm
☆ Hand gun 2cm だよーん。
( click to amazon ↓ ↓ ) McFARLANE TOYS 【The Walking Dead CLOR TOPS #31 DWIGHT 7inch Figure 】 クリックしてアマゾンへ ↓ ↓
実際のDwight= Austinの指も男性にしては細長いよね。
勇気が出てBow gun持たせたら、又ブログにアップするね。
The Walking Deadが好きで、Dwight好きならば、買って満足な McFARLANE TOYSのフィギュアですね。
2. Dwight について
Dwight is a fictional character in the comic book series The Walking Dead and the television series of the same name, where he is portrayed by Austin Amelio.
If you want to know more, please read below About Dwight’s Character. ↓ ↓
ダリルのバイクを盗み、ダリルを森において逃走するが (ティナはインシュリンが足りなくなり死亡)、結局、救世主達に捕まり、妻はティナの代わりにニーガンの妻になり、ドワイトは、ニーガンの手下になりながら力を得て上位チーム幹部入りする。
( to amazon ↓ ↓ ) McFARLANE TOYS 【The Walking Dead – Color Tops 7inch Figure #31 DWIGHT】 (マクファーレントイズ、ザ・ウォーキングデッド- カラートップス 7インチ フィギュア #31 ドワイト) アマゾンへ ↓ ↓
3.Andrew 降板について
8年間、主役を引っ張って来た、Andrew Lincolin アンドリュー・リンカーンが辞める上に、Maggie マギー役の Louren Cohan ローレン・コーハンが6話分(シーズン9の半分)しか契約していなくて、おまけにゲスト扱いと言うじゃないですか。
おまけにMichonne ミショーン役の Danai Guria ダナイ・グリラがMarvel マーベルの映画 Black Panther ブラックパンサーに人気が出て来たり、自身の主役映画が控えているのもあり、シーズン9で辞めると言う話も出ています。
そうなると完璧に原作者の Robert Kerkmanのアメコミとは違う話になるってことですね。
すると主役に浮上して来るのが、Rick の代わりにTWD 内で1番人気のあの方!
Daryl Dixonが新リーダーになる?
Darylがメインになりドラマに出る回数が増えるのは超嬉しい! けど、リーダーのRickがいなくなるのは嫌です。
だけど、いきなりAndrew 辞めますでしょう?
また、Walking Dead Season 9のお話をしたいと思います。
= about DWIGHT =
I know why I’m here. I know what I did to Denise. To you. To other people. It doesn’t matter why. I knew I’d have to face it. To pay. And I should. I’m ready. I got to see Negan get taken down, and that’s enough. Me? I’m a piece of shit. There’s no going back to how things were. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please. Please.Dwight to Daryl Dixon, shortly before being spared by his old nemesis.
Dwight, also known as “D.”, is a main character and a former antagonist as well as a survivor of the outbreak in AMC’s The Walking Dead. He is a former high-ranking member of The Saviors who serves as an antagonist of the second half of Season 6and the first half of Season 7.
After his ex-wife Sherry released Daryl and fled The Sanctuary, Dwight becomes estranged with life as a Savior, and decides to ally with Rick to dethrone Negan.
After outright betraying the Saviors during the destruction of Alexandria, Dwight was a full-fledged member of the Militia for a brief time. In order to buy the survivors of Alexandria more time to escape, Dwight rejoined the Saviors as a mole, protected as no one knew of his betrayal, until Laura returned to the Sanctuary and blew his cover.
Following Negan’s defeat and the end of the war, Dwight is exiled by Daryl due to his past actions but is encouraged to go and find his wife, Sherry.
With no more reason to be loyal to the Saviors, Dwight chooses to align himself with the Militia, claiming that he indeed hates Negan and that he wants him dead. Despite knowing that he could potentially die after Negan’s defeat due to his actions towards Daryl and his killing of Denise, Dwight chooses to help free the communities from Negan’s tyranny as he knows first hand of the cruelty that Negan and the Saviors are capable of.
During Season 8, Dwight his shown to be dedicated to his mission to defeat Negan and is able to help the Militia achieve a majority of their victories against the Saviors by passing them valuable information and in the process gets numerous members of his former group brutally slaughtered. He is shown to be careful, cautious and cunning as no member of the Saviors, except Eugene, are able to deduce that he is the Militia’s spy. Dwight’s loyalty to the Militia is clearly evident in “How It’s Gotta Be” in which he takes measures to ensure that the survivors are able to escape from the Saviors posted outside and personally guns down numerous Saviors, though in the process exposes himself to Laura who is able to escape. Following this, Dwight even rejoins the Saviors after learning Laura has not been seen in order to divert them away from Tara and the rest of the fleeing Alexandrians and in the process earns Tara’s respect and forgiveness for his killing of Denise. Following Negan’s brief disappearance, Dwight chooses to align himself with Simon in taking over the Saviors, possibly showing that he has some slight hope that the Saviors can still function as a group without Negan. However this is shown to be a bad move as Simon is even worse than Negan and wants to completely exterminate the survivors at the Hilltop and Dwight is forced to go along in order to protect his cover. During the assault however, he saves Tara’s life again by injuring her before Simon can with an untainted weapon, further proving his care for the Militia and what he is willing to do to earn her full forgiveness.
Upon Negan’s return, Dwight continues his attempts to take him down as he takes information down in order to help the Militia finish Negan and the Saviors off permanently and even helps to get Simon exposed as a traitor in order to remove the Militia’s second greatest threat only after Negan. However this victory is short lived as Laura is revealed to have exposed Dwight and Negan is revealed to have finally outsmarted him into delivering information via Gregory to the Militia to lead them into a trap.
After the defeat of the Saviors, Dwight is visibly pleased that Negan is defeated and is also ready to be executed by Daryl for his actions. However, because of Dwight’s genuine remorse for his actions towards Daryl, his murder of Denise and other actions, he is spared, though he is still exiled but encouraged by Daryl to go and find his missing wife.
Before DWIGHT meet Negan
Dwight was born in the early 1980’s, he experienced an average childhood where he grew up in a small town in Virginia.
During his youth, he was taught by his his late grandfather in the art of woodcarving, which became a valued hobby of Dwight’s and thus he would practice the skill in his spare time.
As a young adult, he later met and befriended a local female babysitter named Sherry, originally, when the pair began dating, Dwight was noted for having problems with his memory, and thus would generally fail to remember the pleasant times they both shared as a couple, which caused great frustration on his part. Due to his memory problems, he used post it notes to remind him to do certain tasks.
Eventually the pair soon fell in love and got married where the two lived together in a single-story house located somewhere in Virginia, through their marriage, Dwight befriended his sister-in-law Tina who had diabetes and required insulin in order to treat her condition.
Over time, Dwight and Sherry gradually aspired to start a family of their own and thus would attempt to conceive a child together, however their attempts ultimately proved futile.
Washington D.C
During the onset of the outbreak, Dwight was present alongside Sherry when the initial chaos and devastation occurred. The pair were forced to flee into a nearby forest which had become infested with a large herd of walkers. In an act of desperation, the pair utilized a large truck through opening the vehicle’s valve in order to spread a trail of gas throughout the forest which they ignited to create a massive wildfire that engulfed the pursuing walkers.
After this event, Dwight and Sherry managed to reconnect with Tina who was located in Washington D.C at the time. At some point later, the trio somehow came into contact with a group of survivors known as The Saviors, whom they subsequently joined and settled into a compound known as The Sanctuary. Originally, the trio worked together to earn ‘points’ in exchange for supplies; over time, however, they grew to become fearful of the community leader, Negan, due his violent sociopathic actions and oppression.
Eventually, Tina fell behind on points and became unable to purchase the insulin which she so desperately required. She was offered the opportunity to marry Negan and become part of his harem, in exchange for no longer operating in a point capacity and therefore always having access to medication. However, acting on impulse, Dwight personally stole the medication whereupon he, Sherry and Tina fled from The Sanctuary. To their misfortune, they were begrudgingly forced to travel on foot with only a limited amount of supplies as well as a lone pistol for protection. At some point later the three managed to take temporary refuge in the forest which they had previously inhabited.