和訳【Purple Haze/ The Jimi Hendrix Experience】解説 Let’s Love&Trip!

今日はLyraのブログでは常連さんのアーティストのこの方、Jimi Hendrixの命日ざんす〜。




Jimi Hendrixの好きな曲を色々和訳して来だが、世間ではこの曲こそがJimi Hendrix という人が多いからね〜。


今日Lyraが和訳&解説するのはアメリカ合衆国ワシントン州シアトル出身のシンガーソングライターであるJames Marshall Hendrix ジェームズ・マーシャル・ヘンドリックス(出生名 Johnny Allen Hendrix 1942年11月27日 – 1970年9月18日)。

世界中で Jimi Hendrix ジミ・ヘンドリックス  の名前で愛され続けているギタリストでもある。


今日LyraがJimiの命日に寄せて和訳する曲は、1966年に作られ1967年にレコーディング、イングランドでは1967年3月17日リリース(アメリカでは1967年9月19日)されたシングル 【Purple Haze】( 邦題: 紫のけむり)。

1967年のアルバム『Are You Experienced?』と、後に再発された同アルバムに収録されている。




(click to amazon↓↓ ) “Are You Experienced?” [CD] クリックしてアマゾンへ↓↓

James MarshallJimiHendrix (born Johnny Allen Hendrix; November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970) was an American rock guitarist, singer, and songwriter. His mainstream career lasted only four years, but he is widely regarded as one of the most influential guitarists in history and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame describes him as “the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music”.

“Purple Haze” is a song written by Jimi Hendrix and released as the second record single by the Jimi Hendrix Experience on March 17, 1967. As a record chart hit in several countries and the opening number on the Experience’s debut American album, it was many people’s first exposure to Hendrix’s psychedelic rock sound.


= Pusle Haze =

Purple haze, all in my brain
Lately things don’t seem the same
Actin’ funny, but I don’t know why
‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky

Purple haze all around
Don’t know if I’m comin’ up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me

Help me, help me
Oh, no, no

Uh, ah
Uh, ah
Uh, ah
Uh, ah

Purple haze all in my eyes
Don’t know if it’s day or night
You’ve got me blowin’, blowin’ my mind
Is it tomorrow or just the end of time?

Ooh, help me
Ah, oh yeah
Oh, no
Oh, help me
Tell me, tell me
I can’t go on like this
You’re makin’ me blow my mind
Uh-huh, oh

Purple haze
Purple haze
Purple haze

























































Songwriter: Jimi Hendrix

Translator: Lyra Sky 和訳


うー、Jimi 最高!

LyraはNoel Redding(ベース)もMitch Mitchell (ドラム)も好きなので、やはりこの3人の化学変化を見たいわけ。

でも、このミュージックビデオはリリース当時の彼らがわかるので良いけれど「寄り過ぎていて顔しか映ってないじゃないの!」って不満の方もいると思うし、中にはカラーで、という人の為に、Experienceではないけど Jimiのプレイが良く見れる方のミュージックビデオも載せておきますね〜。

こちら ↓  ↓



「君下手だからベースになったら?」なんて、Eric Clapton にしらっ言えるのは、バカテクのこのJimi Hendrixにしか言えない台詞だわ。

The Jimi Hendrix Experience にとっては2枚目になるシングルだったこの パープル 【Purple Haze】。







【Purple Haze】は、 Jimi Hendrix のSignature Song にさえなっている、The Jimi Hendrix Experienceの代表作である。

これは、Jimiが先に大ヒットした【Hey Joe】が 自作ではなくカバーだったこともあり、オリジナルを早く出せと当時のマネージャーでありプロデューサーもしていたChas Chandler に急かされて作った曲の1つであった。 ↓  ↓

*【Hey Joe / Jimi Hendrix Experience 】 和訳 Run On Down Where You Can Be Free! 解説



1966年のBoxing Day に、Upper Cut Clubアッパーカットクラブの楽屋で書かれたとされるこの曲、、、「余りにも出来すぎてるだろ!」っとツッコミを入れたくなるLyraであった、、、。

というjokeはさておき、このChasもjokeなのかは不明だが、Jimiの書いた【Purple Haze】の歌詞を読み、「全くCut (推敲)されてないじゃないか!」と文句を言ったという。Cutダジャレ?

推敲とは、文章を良くするために何度も練り直すことなんだけど、Chasは、この曲に限らず「Jimi の歌詞は大体がそう」と言ってるらしい。



1967年の3月17日にイギリスでシングルが発売された(Track 604001)。発売と同時に39位でチャートインし、最高で3位、14週間チャートに留まったというのだから当時の音楽シーンでのJimi Hendrixの凄さ、人気の凄さが理解できるだろう。




(click to amazon↓ ↓ ) “The Jimi Hendrix Experience” [The Best Album) [CD] クリックしてアマゾンへ ↓ ↓



1968年のNew Musical Expressのインタビューにおいてこう答えている。

「【First Around the Corner】いう曲がひとつ。あと他に【The Purple Haze】。これは海の中を歩いている夢について書いたものだよ」と語っていた。



それに先ほどちらっと話したDrugだけど、当時の製薬会社Sand サンド社がDelysidという商標で販売していたLSDが紫色のカプセルに入っていたため、LSDを意味するスラングで使われていたのもJimiがダブルミーニングにしたのかなあ?と思った点だ。

加えてPurple Hazeの形状が、マリファナの種類にもあるため、’kissing the sky’は’ハイになる’という意味にとる人もたまにいるよ。

また、読書家でもあったJimiだから、この歌詞を書いた時に、Owsley Stanley作の “Purple Haze LSD”を拝借したのではないか?とも言われているし、

それを言ったらもっと遡って、1861年ごろに出版された Charles Dickens チャールズ・ディケンズの【大いなる遺産】の54章の”There was the red sun, on the low level of the shore, in a purple haze, fast deepening into black…”という部分に登場するため、Jimiの夢とあい重なる部分もあるし、、、



(click to amazon↓↓)  Studio Album “Are You Experienced?” [CD] クリックしてアマゾンへ↓↓


1967年にリリースせれてたから、愛されてきた【Purple Haze】。


その人気は未だ衰えず、2005年3月発売のQマガジンにおいて、グレイテストギタートラックの1位に選ばれ、Rolling StoneのAlltime Greatest Song 500でも 17位に選出された。

オーストラリアのテレビ局MAX、2008年カウントダウン”ロックソングトップ100″で【Purple Haze】を17位に選んでいる。


Jimi Hendrix Chord ジミ・ヘンドリックスコードと言われる、ジミ特有のコード進行とブルーズや東洋方式をミックスさせたサウンドは、当時のロックの世界では異例なことだった。


先に解説したスラングと合わされば、Jimiの意図しない内にシンプルなラブソングが、いつの間にかAcid Songになってしまうのも無理もないと思う。



ちなみに、聞き間違いでも【Purple Haze】は有名だ。

歌詞の、”excuse me while I kiss the sky”を”excuse me while I kiss this guy”と 聞き間違えてしまうと言うものだ。

それを面白がったJimi は、1967年のモンタリーポップフェスティバルやウッドストックで行われたギターヒーロワールドツアーで、わざとI kiss this guyと歌ったとされている。

一時期流行ったコメディアンの映画『チーチ&チョンの気分は最高』では”excuse me while I kiss this fly” とパロディーされているし、笑いの王道になるほどこの【Purple Haze】が英語圏では浸透していると言う証明に他ならないと思う。

Jimi Hendrix ネタはこのブログでは、毎度のこと。

それに、良くとりあげる Lyraの一番好きなギタリスト John Frusciante ( すっきー!Jimiとどちらが一位かなんて選べん!)は、Jimi Hendrixが好き過ぎてそのスタイルを極めて凄ワザを手に入れた。

Jimi が居なくなっても彼の作品は未だに息をして生きているのだ。

John Frusciante並びに凄腕アーティストたちに受け継がれ、多くのファンの心に未だに生きているのだ。

今日は、Jimi Hendrix の命日だから、彼の人気の凄さから世の中の皆んなが、取り上げるだろうから、今日Lyraがやる必要はないかな、とも思った。





Jimi Hendrixの歌詞は、マネージャーのChasが言うように確かに簡単だし、シンプルだ。


でも、彼もJim Morrison 同様にシンプルな中にダブルミーニングを入れたりする面白い奴だったのよ。

それを知っているから LyraはJimi Hendrix が好きなの、、、


今夜は、Jimi Hendrix Festival at Lyra’s Homeだよ。

皆んなも一緒にJimi Hendrix Nightしようぜ〜!



Hey. Jimi.

I’ve love you & your tunes, now and forever

I’ll open Jimi’s Fes at home tonight .ha ha.

maybe I’ll do again next year and ever.

always love you,Jimi.

so Give me your power & imaginations.

and then I’ve been rocking this world instead of ya.

I love you.



The song features his inventive guitar playing, which uses the signature Hendrix chord and a mix of blues and Eastern modalities, shaped by novel sound processing techniques. Because of ambiguities in the lyrics, listeners often interpret the song as referring to a psychedelic experience, although Hendrix described it as a love song.

Hendrix said in a 1969 interview with the New Musical Express:

I dream a lot and I put a lot of my dreams down as songs. I wrote one called ‘First Around the Corner’ and another called ‘The Purple Haze’, which was all about a dream I had that I was walking under the sea.

In the middle of December, producer Chas Chandler heard Hendrix toying around with a new guitar riff. “I heard him playing it at the flat and was knocked out. I told him to keep working on that, saying, ‘That’s the next single!'” Chandler claimed that after some more urging, Hendrix wrote the rest of “Purple Haze” in the dressing room of a London club during the afternoon of December 26, 1966, before a gig. In several interviews, Hendrix spoke about writing the song, but did not mention where or when he wrote it.

The Experience began recording “Purple Haze” on January 11, 1967, at De Lane Lea Studios in London. According to drummer Mitch Mitchell, he and bassist Noel Redding learned the song in the studio: “Hendrix came in and kind of hummed us the riff and showed Noel the chords and the changes. I listened to it and we went, ‘OK, let’s do it.’ We got it on the third take as I recall.”  The basic track was recorded in four hours, according to Chandler. After the basic track was finished, Chandler explained that he and Hendrix developed the song:

With ‘Purple Haze’, Hendrix and I were striving for a sound and just kept going back in [to the studio], two hours at a time, trying to achieve it. It wasn’t like we were there for days on end. We recorded it, and then Hendrix and I would be sitting at home saying, ‘Let’s try that.’ Then we would go in for an hour or two. That’s how it was in those days. However long it took to record one specific idea, that’s how long we would book. We kept going in and out.


(click to amazon↓↓) ” Jimi Hendrix The Complete Scores ” [Book] 完全版楽譜、クリックしてアマゾンへ↓↓


Redding and Mitchell were not included in the process because Chandler felt that it was more efficient for him and Hendrix to do it alone. To get a better quality recording, Chandler took the four-track tape recorded at De Lane Lea to Olympic Studios for overdubbing (although Hendrix had worked with eight-track recording in the US, it was not yet available in the UK). At Olympic, they were assigned Eddie Kramer, who, as a sound engineer, played an important role in subsequent Hendrix recordings. Hendrix added new vocals and guitar parts between February 3 and 8, 1967. Unlike the conventional techniques used by the Experience to record previous songs, Chandler decided to try out new effects and sounds for “Purple Haze”. He enhanced background sounds (some contributed by Redding) by playing them back through headphones, which were moved around the recording microphone, creating “a weird echo”. Chandler also used sped-up guitar parts recorded at half-speed (which also raises the pitch) and panning to create novel effects.  The guitar solo features the first use of the Octavia guitar effects unit.  Acoustical and electronics engineer Roger Mayer developed the unit with input from Hendrix. The Octavia doubles the frequency of the sound it is fed, essentially adding an upper octave.

As a fan of science fiction, he frequently incorporated its imagery in his songwriting. Hendrix read Night of Light, a 1966 novel by Philip José Farmer, that expanded on a short story published in 1957.  In the story set on a distant planet, sunspots produce a “purplish haze” which has a disorienting effect on the inhabitants. An early handwritten draft by Hendrix, titled “Purple Haze – Jesus Saves”, uses dream-like imagery where the sense of direction and time is distorted. In an interview on January 28, 1967, before the song was completed, Hendrix was asked how he wrote songs; he responded, “I dream a lot and I put my dreams down as songs. I wrote one called ‘First Look Around the Corner’ and another called ‘The Purple Haze,’ which was about a dream I had that I was walking under the sea.” He later expressed frustration that he was unable to more fully develop his ideas for the song:

“You know the song we had named ‘Purple Haze’? [It] had about a thousand, thousand words … I had it all written out. It was about going through, through this land. This mythical … because that’s what I like to do is write a lot of mythical scenes. You know, like the history of the wars on Neptune.”

So far, only a crumpled single sheet of ruled yellow tablet paper is on exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and does not include any of the lyrics used in the Experience song. Chandler admitted that in the early stages, he helped Hendrix shape the songs and lyrics to radio single length.

After its release, Hendrix offered another explanation: “He [the song’s protagonist] likes this girl so much, that he doesn’t know what [state] he’s in, ya know. A sort of daze, I suppose. That’s what the song is all about.”

This draws on an experience Hendrix had while still in New York, where he felt that a girl was attempting to use voodoo to trap him and he became ill. Shapiro believes that this is reflected in most of the first two verses:

Purple haze all around, don’t know if I’m coming up or down
Am I happy or in misery, whatever it is that girl put a spell on me

Many fans and the press interpret the song as referring to a psychedelic experience due to lines such as “purple haze all in my brain” and “‘scuse me while I kiss the sky”.

However, Hendrix and those closest to him never discussed any connection between psychedelic drugs and the song, although Shapiro admits that, at the time, to do so would have been “professional suicide”.

Chandler, who claimed he was present when Hendrix wrote it, later denied suggestions that Hendrix did so while under the influence of psychedelics. Commenting on the lyrics, Shadwick concludes “the music [was allowed] to tell the larger story. Poised effectively between the twin intoxicants of drugs and desire, they could be interpreted to the listener’s taste”. In concert, Hendrix sometimes substituted lyrics for comic effect; “‘scuse me while I kiss the sky” was rendered “‘scuse me while I kiss this guy” (while gesturing towards Mitchell), ‘scuse me while I kiss that policeman” (at a near riot in Los Angeles), or “‘scuse me while I fuck the sky” (during a downpour in Seattle).


Please send me your message♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪